Principal’s Sunday Message
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Hello West Campus Families,
If you or your student are interested in taking a summer class at a community college, now is the time to search the catalog and select a class. Look for more details coming soon, any student who is 14 year old or older is eligible to register for a course.
Check out the latest issue of the West Campus Chronicle, see link below!
Interested in West Campus having a football team? Please take this short google form to express your interest (either for or against).
This month, students will participate in three surveys. A sampling of our sophomores and seniors will take the Tobacco survey, this group will contacted individually. All students will take the Berkeley Assessment of Social and Emotional Learning. Additionally all students will take the climate survey. For more information, please click here.
The first survey, which has been developed in partnership with UC Berkeley will be administered this week during fourth period. It has been recommended to teachers to administer on Tuesday.
Additionally, students are encourage to enter the 2023 Rotary Speech Contest on March 7, 2023. If you are interested, please click here for more information.
Thank you,
John McMeekin – Principal
In this week's news:
West Campus Chronicle
Student Newspaper
Please click here for the latest issue (and past issues) of the Chronicle.
Counselor Updates
Weekly Updates from the WCHS Counseling Team
Click HERE to see the latest newsletter and archive of past newsletters!
Spring See’s Candy Sales
Support the Freshman and Junior Classes by buying See’s Candy.
Treat yourself to the yummiest candy on earth, AND support our students at the same time!
Class of 2024 Link to See’s
Class of 2026 Link to See’s
Foundation Updates
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Gala – Thank you to attendees, donors, and volunteers for supporting the Foundation’s annual gala fundraiser on February 25. We were able to make our goal of over $20,000 dollars raised. With your support, we hope to build on this and try to meet the needs of the school that are not able to be met elsewhere. More to come on the final amount raised by our 3/13/23 general meeting.