Financial aid is money lent or given to you to help you pay for college. Grants and scholarships are kinds of financial aid that you don’t have to pay back; that’s why they’re called gift aid.
All kinds of students get gift aid. Most grants are awarded based on financial need. But a good portion of gift aid is awarded for academic achievement.
If you’re thinking about going to college, you should definitely apply for grants and scholarships. Remember though that gift aid rarely covers the entire cost of college. It’s just part of the picture — a picture that may include loans, family savings, and other sources of money.
Community College Support
Spring 2024
The School Site Council is committed to reducing the barriers to access to College Credit while still in high school. As part of this commitment, they decided to use site funds to reimburse family costs of attendance. These costs include:
Foundation Scholarships
Due May 20, 2023
Seniors: The Application Process for the West Campus Foundation for Excellence 2023 Scholarships is Now Open!
The West Campus Foundation for Excellence is excited to offer ten scholarships of at least $1,000 to graduating seniors this year.
We are offering a mix of needs-based and merit-based scholarships, including one $1,500 scholarship to a student pursuing art or attending a vocational, trade, or technical school.
College Board Opportunity Scholarship Program
The College Board Opportunity Scholarships is a program that guides you through the college planning process and offers you a chance to earn money for college.