First WCFE Meeting of the Year
Our School's Parent/Teacher Organization
The West Campus Foundation for Excellence (WCFE) board welcomes everyone back to school! WCFE is our school’s parent organization and exists to support West Campus and our students.
There are several ways to get involved – the #1 way is to JOIN! 100% of membership dues go toward funding requests, donations, and scholarships for West Campus.
Throughout the year we will reach out with volunteer opportunities, including planning the WCFE Gala. Currently, we are recruiting a chairperson for the Scholarship Committee. Email, if interested.
The next general meeting is on Monday, September 13 @ 6:30 pm, via Zoom. Meeting info is below and everyone is encouraged to attend. On campus in-person meetings are not possible as this time.
This year WCFE is looking forward to continuing its good work and hearing your new ideas!
Join WCFE Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 863 2885 4193
Passcode: 914664
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86328854193#,,,,*914664# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,86328854193#,,,,*914664# US (Houston)
Agenda/Minutes Posted:
Please list us as your AmazonSmile charity organization. Since August 2021, our organization has received over $1,245. You shop and Amazon gives to WCFE!