AP Updates 6.1.21
Hello Warriors,
Thank you to everyone who supported the successful administration of AP exams last week. Administration 3, including makeup exams, begins today. Please make note of the following:
- All AP administration 3 exams must be taken digitally-at home except for French, Spanish, and Music Theory.
- The collegeboard dashboard has many errors on the student view- please note that Dr. V has called collegeboard to confirm that all Admin 3 exams (except French, Spanish, and Music Theory) are at home for students.
- You must complete the digital setup 1-3 days before each exam.
- You must check in 30 mins prior to the start of each exam.
- There are no additional makeup exam opportunities. Administration 3 concludes the AP testing season this year.
- The deadline to request a makeup exam for administration 3 has passed.
Please see the image to the right to confirm AP admin 3 exam dates/times.