Foundation Updates
January 29, 2023
Pancake Breakfast: Thank you to families who donated food and time for our successful pancake breakfast to celebrate our students’ accomplishments this past semester!
Winter Formal Dance Donations Needed: The West Campus Winter Formal will be held on Saturday, February 11 from 7:00- 11:00 p.m. Volunteers and snack & drink donations are needed. Please consider volunteering or donating any of the following items:
- Pre-packaged Snacks Including Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Assorted Chips, Assorted Spicy Chips, etc. (Nut Free)
- Fruit (easy to grab and eat)
- Drinks: Soda, Water, Capri Sun, etc.
By generously donating or volunteering, you are able to help make these dances an enjoyable and fun experience for our students. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up.
Donations should be dropped off in the office Monday, February 6, to Friday, February, 10 by 3:30 pm.
Thank you for your continued support and donations!
For questions or concerns, please contact Jill Tompkins via email at, or phone (773) 562-7762
Gala of Love and Peace: Early bird pricing is $70. Ticket price $75 after February 1st. Act fast to get the discount. Buy a table of 8 tickets to get a guaranteed table with your friends. Limited tables available.
- Save the date: February 25, 2023, 6-11pm
- Location: Turn Verein (3349 J St)
- Live music by Love and Honey
- Food catered by Hannibal’s
- Dress: cocktail attire
- Theme: red/gold/black
Tickets are for sale on the school auction site:
Donate directly for a matching parent donation up to $1000: A WCHS parent is matching up to $1000 in cash donations. This donation is specifically for our gala fundraiser and will go to the foundation to help with school needs. Please use the school auction site to donate :
This is a non-profit donation for tax purposes. Any sized donation is welcomed. Please see if local businesses/ employers/ friends and family that you know, are willing to make cash donations.
Want to help the Gala? If you have a local business and are able to be a sponsor of the Gala, please let us know. We are looking for a marketing expert, a volunteer coordinator, and a decorations volunteer. If any parent has a business who deals with decorations and wishes to sponsor the linens and decor, please get in touch. You will have a mention at the gala. For the day of the event, we will have a list of those needs coming soon but will need people to help move auction items, and run some of the games. It is a great way to meet fellow West Campus families and support the school. Contact Bella Agrawal at for volunteering, sponsorships, Facebook or website ads, and ads on posters/banners at the school or the gala.
Next West Campus Foundation for Excellence general
meeting is 2/6/23 at 6 pm through 7:30 pm in the library
or online (*date changed due to a holiday). Note: the new start
time to allow for more discussion, but you do not have to stay
the whole time. We are planning for some student project
presentations, so please join us. Also meet our new college
counselor, Ms. McNamara. Thank you for your support. Contact for questions or concerns. (Web page
West Campus Principal’s Sunday Message
Principal McMeekin is using a new format. If you did not receive the message this past Sunday, you can sign up here:
WCFE Website: We are constantly adding new, updated information to our new website,! Come check it out and bookmark it for all the latest and greatest information on the Foundation and the school! There is a Google calendar of foundation events, the ASB Instagram link, student fundraisers, and more. Visit it to see what your donations are funding.
Upcoming Dates
- January 30, 3:45pm, Room 3 – Equity Team meeting
- February 11, 7:00 – 11:00pm – Winter Formal
- February 25, 6-11pm – WC Foundation for Excellence Gala