Athletics Announcements
Athletic Clearance Process 2024-2025
You must complete the clearance process BEFORE participating in tryouts, practice, and/or games.
For new and returning athletes.
1. Go to
2. Click on “For Students & Parents” (top right)
3. Choose “California”
4. Returning athletes “Login” to account
5. New athletes “Create an Account”
6. Choose the 2024-2025 school year
7. For “School” type West Campus
8. Select the sports (if you play more than one sport, check all that apply)
9. Complete all required fields for Student Information, Education History, Medical History, and Signature Forms
Medical Clearance – Sports Physical Form RSK-F100C
1. This is the only form not filled out online. Download and print the SCUSD Medical Clearance/Sports Physical Form. Click here for the form.
2. Take the form to your doctor’s appointment and have it filled out, stamped, and signed by a licensed physician. *Please make sure the physician checks one of the boxes under Recommendation (lower right)*
3. Scan or take a picture of the completed form and upload it to your athletic clearance account.
Women’s Soccer 2023 – 2024
Meet the coaches – Oct. 26 / Time: 3:00-3:30 (at the soccer field)
Conditioning – Oct. 30 – Nov. 3 / Time: TBD
Tryouts – Nov. 6 – Nov. 10 / Time: 4:00-5:30
Go Fans – Sport Event Tickets
All season sport passes are available!
The school has arranged for a season pass for a sports season or the whole year. Each person needs their own pass. This covers all home games, not playoff games.
By purchasing a sports pass, you are not only supporting the school and the student-athletes, but your purchase helps cover some of the sports costs for the school.
All passes can be accessed here: Bookmark for upcoming sport-specific passes.
Digital All Sports Pass