West Campus Equity Team
Values and Mission
The West Campus Equity Team, values equitable opportunities regardless of gender, race, economic status, or identity in the areas of emotional safety, representation, and distribution of resources. We celebrate and educate ourselves and the greater community to ensure that this is treated with honor, inclusivity, and respect.
West Campus Foundation for Excellence
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! As your school’s parent-teacher organization, we work hard to raise funds to support enrichment activities at West Campus. Our students benefit in many ways from a small, close-knit community; however, the school also struggles with a tight budget due to our small size.
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portal
During this pandemic, communication is critical. Infinite Campus is the district’s Online Portal which can be accessed via a smartphone app, a mobile device or computer to help you stay updated on your student’s progress and communicate with teachers and school staff. :
Call the West Campus front office if you need assistance: (916) 395-5170.
District Academic Calendar
SCUSD Calendar for 2024-25
The 2024-25 calendar for Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) contains important dates, like school holidays and vacation weeks.
School Site Council
The School Site Council helps monitor the implementation of our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), helps evaluate the effectiveness of the allocation of resources, and provides additional input in the modification of the SPSA.
Sunday Message Sign Up
Use this link to sign up to receive the Sunday Message, click here.