Principal Updates
Sunday, April 9, 2023

E-mail blast

Welcome Back West Campus Families,

I hope everyone had a great spring break and is rested and recharged for the final push of the school year.  Later this month, we will have our SBAC testing.  Look for the schedule later this week.

Thank you,

John McMeekin – Principal, West Campus High School

In this week's news:

Foundation Updates
Sunday, April 9, 2023


We hope you all had a great spring break! 

Thanks to all who were able to join us on March 27th for the special meeting to summarize how the Foundation is helping fund future senior projects (required for West campus high school seniors).

We are in the home stretch of this school year. If you have feedback or ideas for next year please let Foundation President, Natasha Fine, know. Natasha and the Board are always looking for ways to improve our process and be aware of the other needs around school. Email Natasha at

West Campus Equity Team
Values and Mission



The West Campus Equity Team, values equitable opportunities regardless of gender, race, economic status, or identity in the areas of emotional safety, representation, and distribution of resources. We celebrate and educate ourselves and the greater community to ensure that this is treated with honor, inclusivity, and respect.
