Principal’s Updates
Sunday, December 24, 2024

E-mail blast

Hello West Campus Families,

Please take the next two weeks to relax and recharge with family and friends.  The holidays are a great time of year to connect and recharge.  There will be ample time for school when we return in the new year.  Our homework policy is in place to reserve this time for families.

Great job to all of the participants of the Winter Concert back on Friday, December 15th! We recognize that it’s a lot of effort to learn how to play instruments for some of our students and to continue playing and perfecting their music for other students. Thank you to all of the students and their families for putting this concert on every year! 

Happy Holidays from your West Campus Family!

Thank you,

John McMeekin – Principal

In this week's news:

Foundation Updates
Sunday, December 24, 2023


Thank you to all the families who contributed their time and/or a dish for the December 20th staff holiday luncheon. The Foundation purchased the tamales, and families contributed drinks, side dishes, and desserts. Approximately 35 of the 50+ staff members enjoyed the lunch and send their thanks to the West Campus community. 

We wish you all happy holidays and a fabulous start to the new year! 

Annual Gala Fundraiser – Save the date & sponsor: March 2nd



CREATE was runner up overall in their competition at CSUS.  Congratulations to the three teams that participated and also Jacqueline Ramirez, Maya Rodriguez and Daniel Villasenor for winning scholarships.  CREATE will start up again next year and underclassmen are highly encouraged to join as well as those with an interest in engineering, architecture and trades.  Follow @wccreateprogram on Instagram for updates.