WCHS Sunday Message
Sunday, January 22, 2023

E-mail blast

Hello West Campus Families,

Next week is first semester final exams.  Students, in addition to preparing on the academic side, it is critical to maintain healthy habits – this includes, getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, as well as managing stress and anxiety.

We are excited to have our pancake breakfast on Friday, January 27, 2023 to close out the first semester with a tasty meal.  Students, make sure to bring your appetite!

The West Campus Winter Formal will be Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm at West Campus in the gym.  Look for more details in upcoming messages as well as the Foundation update included below.

Thank you,

John McMeekin, Principal

In this week's news:

Homework Policy


With the intention of allowing students and families to honor school breaks for rest and recharging, the West Campus Faculty has approved the following homework policy to go in to effect for the Spring Semester of the 2022-2023 school year.  This policy will remain in effect until updated or altered:

Teachers will not assign homework that is intended to be completed during a designated holiday break:

Foundation Updates
January 22, 2023


Pancake Breakfast: Our students have been hard at work this semester, and to celebrate their accomplishments, we will hold a pancake breakfast at the end of finals week on Friday, January 27.  Food donations and volunteers to serve 930 people are needed for this event. All donations need to be dropped off in the front office by the end of the school day on Thursday, January 26 by 1pm (minimum school day). Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up.