Dutch Mill Flower Bulbs for Sale
Orders due Friday for Class of 2022 Fundraiser
Daffodils, tulips, and tiger lilies — oh my! Hyacinth, crocus, paperwhites, and more! So many great bulbs to choose from. (Different choices than last time we held this fundraiser.)
Please help the Class of 2022 with their Dutch Mill flower bulb fundraiser! This is a great opportunity, as the class will earn a 50% profit per order.
Consider asking coworkers, friends, and relatives to purchase
– or perhaps order bulbs as gifts for your loved ones, near
and far! For just $10, you can get four paperwhite narcissus
bulbs in a plastic pot! Bulbs make great holiday gifts and
are a beautiful way to express your gratitude at Thanksgiving
There are two ways to purchase Dutch Mill bulbs:
- Best for local orders: Contact a sophomore and order via the Dutch Mill brochure that the students have been issued. All orders and payments are due by October 25th. The bulk delivery is expected to arrive at school in early November. You pay no shipping fee.
- Best for non-local orders: Use this link to order and pay online, including a shipping fee. Order usually ships out within 48 hours, directly to the recipient. Online orders must be placed by Dec. 1st.
If you have any questions, please contact the Class of 2022 Advisor, Ms. Shawna Placido-Bell at bells@scusd.edu or in Room 1.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting our students. Go Warriors!