K-12 Coastal Art & Poetry Contest


California Coastal Commission (part of California’s Natural Resources Agency) with your staff and community:    

    K-12 Coastal Art and Poetry Contest   

  • California students in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to submit artwork or poetry with a California coastal or marine theme to the Coastal Art & Poetry Contest. Entries can be submitted online until midnight January 31st, 2022.    
  • For rules, contest flyer, entry form (and helpful links for teachers and students), please visit www.coastal.ca.gov/art-poetry. The instructions, flyer, and entry form are also available in Spanish. (If you need the flyer emailed instead, please let me know.) Alternatives to online entry are available if needed.  
  • Up to ten winners will be selected to win $100 gift certificates to an art supply store (for artists) or bookstore (for poets). Each winner’s sponsoring teacher will receive a $50 gift certificate for educational supplies, courtesy of Acorn Naturalists. Students may have their work featured on Commission web pages and materials, and winners and honorable mentions will be exhibited throughout the state, as conditions allow.   

Student Climate Video Challenge: What is your vision for a thriving future?   

  • California middle and high school students are challenged to answer the question: What is your vision for a thriving future? Entry deadline is midnight on March 31st, 2022.   
  • For rules, brainstorming prompts, climate change resources, and how to enter, please visit https://www.coastal.ca.gov/climatechallenge/.  
  • Prizes may be offered to the top three entries: $200 for 1st place, $150 for 2nd place, $100 for 3rd place. Students may enter as an individual or a group, but one prize will be offered per winning entry.