Message from Registrar
January 28 message from Ms. Nobida

Notice from registrar


By now you have received two notices from Dr. Versher regarding the importance of submitting your community college transcript by tomorrow, 1/29/21. Failure to do so may make you ineligible for graduation, due to credit deficiency, and/or ineligible to earn college admissions due to credit deficiency. Please email to provide an unofficial copy of your community college transcript. 

Additionally, if you need a transcript to be sent to a university, please notify Ms. Nobida ASAP. All transcript requests will be processed by next Thursday, February 4th, after they have been updated with your semester grades.

Lastly, this is a reminder to students that if they need to exchange a book for the second semester, we are here every day from 8:00am to 1:30pm in the front office. I am anticipating students will need new math books, geography, and economics books. Therefore, we need West Campus teachers to have their students return the books if they are in a semester-only course.     

Thank You,
Ms. Nobida