Monday, August 12, 2024


We will have orientation for all students on Monday, August 12, 2024.  Look for detailed information to arrive via mail in the next few weeks. 

New students are welcome to tour the campus during this time. The Associated Student Body (ASB) students will provide an orientation for incoming freshmen; the orientation session can take as little as two hours and as much as four hours depending on the lines and activities planned by each ASB group leader(s). Sophomores, juniors, and seniors pick up their materials during the 8am to 12pm timeframe, look for detailed times to be sent home.  

The West Campus Foundation for Excellence (PTO) Board will provide coffee and snacks and encourage parents and guardians to stay for a bit to meet other families and get to know the campus and the Foundation. Foundation board members will be present to answer questions and provide more information on our parent teacher organization.

At orientation, students will receive:

  • Finalized Schedule – schedules will not be finalized until you receive the paper copy at orientation
  • Textbooks
  • Planner – each student will receive a planner
  • Locker Assignments
  • Student ID cards
  • PE clothing
  • Students will also have their photo taken for the yearbook and student ID card. 

Note: students should bring money or credit card to purchase PE clothing and optional items such as the ASB sticker. 

If students cannot attend this orientation, they will be able to collect their schedule, books, and locker information the rest of the week of August 12. The school office hours are 8am-1pm M-F during that week. The photographer will come back to campus within the first month or two for make-up photos for students and staff who are not able to make it to orientation.