Student Clubs at West Campus
Want to create or renew a club?


Attention, Students:

There will be an informational meeting on Monday 9/14 @ 11:20 a.m. via Zoom to discuss creating and renewing clubs. If you are interested in creating a club, renewing a club, or renewing a club with a different name, please do the following:

  1. Join the Google Classroom (code: re3ceoh) by Sunday evening 9/13 for info about the meeting. Be sure to use your PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS (because SCUSD emails block you from receiving certain messages. Your personal email might need to be a gmail account.)
  2. Attend the Zoom meeting on Monday 9/14
  3. Fill out a Club Registration Form (available in the Google Classroom, or downloadable here under ”Related Links” — located below or to the right, depending on your device).
  4. Submit the completed form by Thursday night 9/17. (We must approve it before Club Rush on 9/21.)

Stay tuned for more details the week of 9/14-9/18, after the Zoom meeting.

Feel free to ask any questions. We look forward to working with you!
— Riley and Frances

PS — If you’re a club in need of promotion or recruiting new members, make sure to DM @wchsofficial so you can be posted to the West Campus account!